The brown stuff is flux. If you've used rosin core solder, that's totally fine to see there and you can use alcohol and a toothbrush to remove it.
0V at A2, an unlit LED at A3 and 0V at A3 and high voltage at terminal 5 would normally point to the A4/5 solder joint, but you say you have both halves of the tube glowing and the solder joint looks OK.
If the 22.1K resistor between terminals 4 and 5 isn't well connected, that would cause this problem also, as would a loose wire between terminal 5 and A1. If you happened to break off the plastic guide pin on the 6080 and you inserted it in one specific way that's not correct, you could also end up with high voltage on terminal 5, but this also seems unlikely based on the information provided here.