I built a Stereomour II amplifier and I am extremely fond of it. I thoroughly enjoyed the process and I enjoy the sounds that it provides to my ears. Recently, I have obtained another amplifier and I would like to be able to switch from one amp to the other for a variety of sonic sounds. The caveat, I only have one pair of speakers! I have found the SP-71 by Specialty AV that should solve my problem, I just wanted to get some technical advice to make sure that my Stereomour II will be safe using it with the SP-71 switch box. There is not a whole lot of information or reviews of people using this with tube amps. I have attached pictures of the inside wiring of the box with the resistors(5w100ΩJ) and switches. Anybody else run into this situation? or have a recommended trustworthy switch box that they would recommend? Will the Stereomour II be safe/protected to run with the SP-71? Thanks in advance for your thoughts, recommendations, and technical advice.