I was seriously skeptical, but I took the plunge and ordered two of the power cord kits for my Eros and Extended Foreplay III. I am running this all through a power conditioner (APC S15), but I must say that I hear a difference...it's subtle, but A/B comparison tells me the difference is real. Bass is tighter, mids a bit more forward and better imaged (especially vocals), and more "air" on the high end (all relative to vinyl via the Eros then EFPII). Again, I emphasize this is subtle, but I'm glad I dropped the dough...good value as far as upgrades go.
One quick question....I haven't put the heat shrinks on yet...I notice the connection of the cords to the plugs is purely physical...is there any advantage or disadvantage to trying to put a little solder in there?
Thanks all!