Hello everyone,
I think I made my account something like two years ago, but I also think this is my first post.
I often hesitate to buy a Crack because I always tell myself that the day I buy one, a random Crackatwoa kit is going to pop up for sale, and today, I was pretty surprised to check the site and see one C2A listed for sale at a time when I wasn't ready to buy. That got me thinking. The C2A may have been discontinued because it was primarily outsold by its siblings, but with Bottlehead's popularity, there's probably a lot of people who would be interested in a C2A if it were still a regular option as opposed to being discontinued. Would Bottlehead ever consider doing a slim C2A kit? By slim, I mean a kit that's been slimmed down to just the components that need to be there for a C2A to be a C2A, like the build guide, a BOM, the wood, the faceplate, and any circuit boards; the remainder of the parts being up to the builder to source. I presume the transformers are probably custom and intrinsic to the voice of the C2A, but a commonly available transformer could be listed in the BOM where there'd be no need to take on the expense of maintaining a stock of transformers for such a kit.
Even if it's slightly different in the end and possibly sold in limited quantities, if a slimmer kit makes the C2A a regular option again, I personally would be happy to take on the tedium of sourcing my own components. Would you guys ever humor the idea of a future C2A kit being primarily sourced by the builder?