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Offline dbishopbliss

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Reply #15 on: March 29, 2012, 07:56:59 AM
What about moving the controls, transformers, etc to the bottom.  Then you wouldn't have to worry about it being top heavy.  That is the way my Trace Elliot Velocette is configured.

David B Bliss
Bottlehead: Foreplay I, Foreplay III, Paramour I w/Iron Upgrade, S.E.X. w/Iron Upgrade
Speakers: FE127E Metronomes, Jim Griffin Jordan/Aurum Cantus Monitors, ART Arrays
Other: Lightspeed Attenuator, "My Ref" Rev C Amps, Lampucera DAC

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #16 on: March 29, 2012, 09:13:15 AM
Actually the stuff at the top behind the controls is very light. The transformers are at the bottom. Those and the speaker magnet are the heavy bits. So I think we have their location pretty well optimized, and the cabinet is really pretty stable as is.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline Yoder

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Reply #17 on: March 29, 2012, 09:20:17 AM
It definitely has a retro look to it. Looks like something Buck Rogers would play...pretty cool. Personally, I would be afraid of controls on the bottom--tend to get kicked, plus bending over so low is bad on some of our backs.

Yikes, that mini Strat is a short scale. What is the width of the nut? I got my daughter a 3/4 scale guitar and it is great for her, but my short fat fingers can't  play it.

Offline Grainger49

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Reply #18 on: March 29, 2012, 09:30:30 AM
Since I don't own an electric guitar I probably won't be on the list of buyers, but... I love the pilot light.  And I worry about getting the tubes out.  I suppose it won't be as hard as it seems to me.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 11:04:42 AM by Grainger49 »

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #19 on: March 29, 2012, 09:43:55 AM
Nut width on the Mini is supposed to be 1.61", about like a Tele. But the fret spacing certainly could end up being too small on the higher frets, we'll see. That's why I was happy to find a used one for a few bucks. If it doesn't work out it just goes back on the bay, or maybe to one of my nieces. After looking at some more you tube demos I'm guessing it might sound kinda lightweight and I'm looking for some better p'ups. Stock ones are something cheapo, like with a single bar magnet. Luckily they are the standard strat size so there are tons of options. If someone has a nice vintage sounding mild wound set of strat pups I'd be willing to do some trading. I think one might even be able to replace the plywood body with a mid-90's MIM Duo Sonic body, or the current CV Duosonic body.

Re the tubes, you have to open up the cab to change them. That's just four screws. The way the tubes are mounted they show a bit and yet they are shielded and well protected. I'm pretty happy with the overall layout and any cabinet changes will probably be focused on the grills and vents.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 10:00:28 AM by Doc B. »

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline dbishopbliss

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Reply #20 on: March 29, 2012, 02:03:38 PM
I'm curious to see what you come up with for cabinet style.  I personally like retro-ish styling like the new Zinky Supro, Epiphone Triggerman or Tone King.  I recently built a 2x12 cab that I was thinking of doing something similar but ended up going with a traditional Marshall design.  Made it exactly 1/2 of a 4x12 straight cab.  Box jointed baltic birch, genuine fir braces, etc.

David B Bliss
Bottlehead: Foreplay I, Foreplay III, Paramour I w/Iron Upgrade, S.E.X. w/Iron Upgrade
Speakers: FE127E Metronomes, Jim Griffin Jordan/Aurum Cantus Monitors, ART Arrays
Other: Lightspeed Attenuator, "My Ref" Rev C Amps, Lampucera DAC

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #21 on: March 30, 2012, 06:04:52 AM
The prototype is fairly close to what the kit will be like. It's unconventional with the front and back panels being aluminum, but it follows our ideas of layout, and I think it sounds nice. I like that sort of vintage upholstered Jetsons TV look too. Unfortunately that would cost a lot to make.

It will be fun to see how builders will customize their cabinets. I imagine we'll see everything from bed liner to hand rubbed lacquer.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline Dr. Toobz

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Reply #22 on: March 30, 2012, 10:59:43 AM
I have to admit to a funny (or is it tacky?) vision of the speaker cutout taking on the shape of the Bottlehead man. In all seriousness, though, I actually like the cabinet the way it is presented in the video, and already have some ideas of how I would finish it. The aluminum plate and wooden box setup common to all BH kits might work well here.

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #23 on: March 30, 2012, 01:54:00 PM
I have to admit to a funny (or is it tacky?) vision of the speaker cutout taking on the shape of the Bottlehead man. 

Weeellll, that's actually what I've been working on...not the whole cutout, just a Bottlehead in the middle where the "beam blocker" is. I want to see glowing eyes...

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline Dr. Toobz

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Reply #24 on: March 30, 2012, 02:45:14 PM
Ha! That's great. I'm liking this amp already....hope you guys end up releasing it!

Offline Grainger49

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Reply #25 on: March 31, 2012, 02:00:59 AM
Sent the link to an old guitar player in Portland OR and he likes the looks of it.  Maybe a new Bottlehead convert on the horizon.

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #26 on: March 31, 2012, 05:59:41 AM
For those of you who are coming by Bottleheadquarters for the open house this evening (4-7pm), I'll have the amp set up in my office with a Saga Telecaster kit guitar (seems appropriate). I won't play it - don't want to hurt anyone - but everyone will welcome to give the Tode a test drive, er, hop.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
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Reply #27 on: April 09, 2012, 05:01:55 AM
The Tode was well received by a couple of guitar players at our open house a week ago. In the past week I worked out the blocking distortion issue. It was simply a miswire. Once that was sorted I adjusted the global feedback a little to get the amp to go into overdrive at a bit lower signal level. Works better than ever now. I have an inexpensive single ended 12AX7/6L6 combo amp with an 8" driver I bought on ebay to get a feel for what is out there. In comparison the Tode does a much better job of delivering the player's articulation without getting dull or muddy, and the gain is enough higher that it is easier to go back and forth from clean to overdrive as you play. I really like the Weber ceramic magnet driver I chose too. Thought it would be a good idea to try other speakers that will fit in the shallow cabinet, so I have ordered a Jensen Mod8 to try as well. Since the circuit is reminiscent of some British amps and the Mod8 is supposed to have some British speaker character it might be a nice combination. I hope to see a sample of the production version of the output transformer later this week.

By the way, the Mini Strat I got last week sounds surprisingly good and the short scale is indeed much easier for my short, unskilled fingers. I've been watching videos of great guitar players who are known to have small hands. It's very interesting to watch their playing style.

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.

Offline vladimirwolfe

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Reply #28 on: April 09, 2012, 12:03:20 PM
Damn it Doc, will you quit teasing us and just release this thing! ;-) I mean, my credit card is vibrating.

Glad to hear the Mini Strat is working out for you. I checked out the Duo Sonics on eBay after I recommended you look at those and was surprised how much their value has risen over the past couple of years. Since no "real" person can afford a vintage Tele or Strat it's no wonder the Duo's are appreciating.

Offline Doc B.

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Reply #29 on: April 09, 2012, 04:44:08 PM
Believe me I am really trying to fast track this thing! I feel fairly confident that the next proto will be the final and we can go ahead. I know I keep saying this, but it's a rather unconventional design and I need to make sure I don't inadvertently screw the pooch through rushing it too much.

The next version might have a single level control and a bass control as well as treble...

Dan "Doc B." Schmalle
President For Life
Bottlehead Corp.