Haiku, I'm 62, my eyes play the same tricks on me. I spent yesterday, on and off, getting LEDs (diodes) in 4 C4S boards in the right direction.
Some LEDs come on after others. It has to do with where in the circuit they are and how quickly the heater on the tube warms up. As long as they are all on, that is good.
So... opening the Eros schematic... assuming that it is the Kreg on the left channel, there is a lot in that circuit.
You will need to look closely at this board. Check these components for orientation and that it is the right value. The transistor leads can be a pain.
2200uF@4V, small silver cap
2N222 transistor, again small, silver, near that cap
27k ohm 1W resistor
174 ohm resistor
The two above resistors turn on the transistor. If they are swapped it won't come on and the EF86 won't turn on.