I am attempting my first project, and I need some help with a few issues and a question answered. First the question. I am fairly new to soldering, and am using a 40 watt Weller iron. I have read about, and seen on Tyell's video, what is called "wettin", but when I try it with my iron, the solder just rolls off. Is there something to do to prep a new iron?
Now to the problems with my Crack attempt. When I finished, the amp didn't pass the first ohm test. So I started looking, and found some poor soldering which I repaired. The amp then passed all the ohms tests, but when I powered up, the first volt test was way out (220). Further checking revealed I had incorrectly oriented the 8pin tubed holder. I removed it and resoldered but now the ohms on terminal 13 read a steady 532 with no increase from there. According to the manual, the oms should rise steadily to 270K. This was the case before I realigned the tube mount. I also seem to have some solder in one of the pin holders and the tube does not fully seat. Can the solder be removed, or do I have to replace the mount?
I would greatly appreciate any help as my knowledge is very limited. Thank You