Oops, B6 connected to 10U not 9U as it's supposed to be. I feel pretty stupid now.
Nope, not at all. Everyone makes mistakes. My philosophy is don't make a mistake, never learn s**t. And I have the track record (and enough metal parts in my body - somewhere around 20 or 21 not counting fillings and crowns) to prove that I practice what I preach! The only people who should feel stupid are the ones who have a problem with their kit assembly and don't ask for some support here. Congrats on sorting it out!
Thanks. Well everything was going swimmingly, the resistance checks were much closer to what I expected and I was all the way to A8 and that wasn't right, then I noticed there was no light from that LED (Connected to A8).
I think I must have shorted it accidentally perhaps?
6 and 10 are still giving me (identical) unexpected results. They should be Zero and they are ranging constantly between 30-40V by the looks.
Looking around I see a few people talking about accidentally shorting the A8 LED is that likely? Is there a way to test?
Not sure if I can source that locally, confirming this is the model number? HLMP-6000