I finished the assembly of my BeePre this evening, completely stock. The manual and packaging were great - assembly was a breeze, with no post-assembly hardware debugging required. I still need to finish the base to match my Eros. I'll get to that eventually I suppose

The Bee is replacing an older Denon AVR that I was using as a preamp between my Eros/Squeezebox/TV and a Rotel solid state power amp. New hotness fit in my rack - barely! I actually had to remove the damping o-rings and couldn't use any damping feet. So far I've only listened to it along with the Eros. Spun on a few records, and...
...in a word, brilliant. I was expecting at least some increased detail and clearer soundstage (based on my previous Eros upgrade experience) but am still really surprised by how much my system improved. History seems to repeat itself...just like when I hooked up my Eros I once again feel the need to re-listen to most of my record collection.
Thanks for offering another great kit!