Hi all.
Soon a Crack headphone amplifier will be travelling half way around the earth to reach its final destination,
which is in Vietnam to drive a pair of Sennheiser HD-650?
And the happy owner will have an un-erasable smile on his face and that will last until he kicks the bucket.
Yes, I will be the happy owner of a Crack that a fellow member here by the name of galyons (I hope I go his name right) put together for me.
He did the soldering, painting, staining, up-grading and more.
He did such a fantastic job, that I can recommend him with any hesitation.
My Crack looks so nice, awesome, fantastic and sexy that I will have no other choice than put beside him his big brother the no other than: Stereomour.
However, this will only happen if I win at the lottery.
Here is what I am talking about.