How hard is it to open a pair of HD-650s?

Jim R. · 12272

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Offline Jim R.

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on: March 28, 2010, 06:32:45 AM
Just curious if anybody has opened up their HD-650s, and if so, how difficult is it?  Are there any instructions anywhere for doing this?



Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile

Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).

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Offline Paul Birkeland

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Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 06:53:50 AM
HD-600's aren't too hard to pop open, so I'd assume the HD-600 isn't so bad.  What are you needing to replace?  There are some photo walkthroughs here and there on the net.

Paul "PB" Birkeland

Bottlehead Grunt & The Repro Man

Offline Jim R.

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Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 07:00:33 AM

Well, the photo walk-throughs don't do me too muchgood :-).

Just toying with the idea of captive wiring at some point when I find the right cable recipe I like.

But I will probably get a pair of 600s too before I commit to that.

-- Jim

Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile

Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).

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Offline John Roman

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Reply #3 on: April 08, 2011, 06:21:22 AM
Hi Jim,
I just ordered a pair of the HD 650's. Am curious what if any conclusions you've come to regarding the cable? I've also ordered a Crack/Speedball amp and am anxious to experience the set up.
regards, John

Extended Foreplay 3 / 300B Paramount's / BassZilla open baffle/ Music Streamer 2 / Lenovo Y560-Win7-JRMC & JPlay

Offline Jim R.

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Reply #4 on: April 08, 2011, 08:24:33 AM

I actually ended up swapping the 650s for a pair of 600s, so I can't offer any advice on the cables.

I did just recently get a headroom/cardas "Fat Pipe" cable that I'm reterminating with a Neutrik right angle connector for use with the Crack and S.e.x. amps.

-- Jim

Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile

Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).

s.e.x. 2.1 under construction.  Want list: Stereomour II

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Offline Maxwell_E

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Reply #5 on: April 08, 2011, 08:51:10 AM
Perfect, this is just what I'm looking for. As a previous owner of both the 650 and 600 on the crack and SEX, what were your impressions?

Max Tomlinson
SEX amp, Tode guitar amp

Offline Jim R.

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Reply #6 on: April 08, 2011, 09:26:56 AM
Sorry, neither the crack or s.e.x is done yet, so I can't tell you how they differ or how the 600s sound.

I've only used them both with a small portable amp, which I no longer own, and to my ears the 600s are more open and transparent without the overpowering bass of the 650s.          I like them both but so far prefer the 600s.  That said, you really should do your own comparison as our listening tastes may be very different.

-- Jim

Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile

Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).

s.e.x. 2.1 under construction.  Want list: Stereomour II

All ICs homemade (speaker and power next)

Offline tdogzthmn

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Reply #7 on: April 10, 2011, 08:50:44 AM
I too enjoy the HD600 over the 650, and the Crack drives this headphone superbly. All you need is a quality source and you are set. I also bought the bottle headphone cable which is just a right angle terminated cardas cable. Did not head a big sound change but it certainly looks nice and works well with the amp.

Offline dstrimbu

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Reply #8 on: April 10, 2011, 05:20:28 PM
Hey Jim,

I bought a 20' Blue Dragon from Drew at Moon Audio, for my HD-600s.  It uses moulded Sennheiser connectors at the earpieces, just like the cruddy, veiled stock cable :-)

I've got about 50 hours on the Blue Dragon, and it's super clean.  It was a bit bright at first, settled right down in a few days.  Sounds very open, more forward than the stock cable without that darned treble "edge" that I always heard on the stock cable, and blamed on my ears/equipment/age/own stupidity...

I'm enjoying it immensely, and I've given up on trying to solder those damned little Cardas connectors once and for all... <g>

