Hey guys
This is my first build so I thought I'd start a thread with a few pictures and a few words about what it's like to build one of these if you haven't done anything like this before. Any tips or help or any comments that you want to make ... feel free
So the box arrived from the US (finally...). I was getting really impatient but I have to say the lead in and delivery times were spot on. After shipping it took about 2 weeks which is within the 6-10 working days USPS quotes. Everything was packed in a compact box and there was lots of soft packing material...
Initially got everything out of the box...remember to double check as one of the packets got stuck onto some packing material and it could easily be missed and thrown away. All components were grouped and packed in little bags as you can see here...
After this I took all the components out of the packets and checked all are present using the parts list that is included (one is also at the beginning of the manual)...There was a little bit of a learning curve here for me. Being from Cyprus (Europe) originally I've never used inches before so it took me a little longer identifying the different screws etc.
And onto the build itself. Very excited by this point. I did notice some scratches on the aluminium main panel which was a little bit disappointing. I kept looking at the underside and thinking that I liked the rougher swirly finish a lot better...then realised the swirly side is actually the top one...woohoo...so excited and happy at this point (you can laugh!)...
Started with the power socket and power toggle button...and then the RCA sockets...
Then continued with the earth point, tube sockets, terminals and transformer. And finally for tonight I added the volume pot, balance pot and source selector...
Top view so far...
And so to bed...
Tomorrow planning to start with the wooden base. Will pick up some nice dark varnish and some masking tape (which I'm sure I have somewhere but can't find). Any suggestions for colours or any types of varnishes very welcome. I have no experience in woodwork whatsoever...