Well this is kind of a continuation from the "Suitable full range driver options for SEX" thread which popped up a little while back as I started investigate some of the different options available to try this type of speaker with my newly ordered Sex amp (I am predominantly a headphone listener) and which culminated in the purchase of some pre owned Fostex FX120's
Moving on to the present and after trying out the Sex paired with some old Mordant Short bookshelf speakers set up in a near field configuration with much better results than I had ever anticipated (In fact it is probably the best I've ever heard them sound). Building some cabinets to house the FX120 has finally made it to the top of the to do list.
So for anyone interested I will post a pic or two of building progresses, which will be slow as it is only the odd evening I can spare at the moment.
After losing way to many hours on the different forums and lots of changing my mind I've settled on the dFonkinfx enclosure for several reasons which included.
1 consistently favourable results reported for this cabinet type
2 said to work better with Sets amps and low watts
3 They have a similar footprint to my current bookshelf speakers
So pics of progress so far plans and timber.
Normally birch ply is recommended but I had a offcut of 18mm mahogany marine ply left over from a job so as it cost me nothing I'm using that instead, its way better quality than the Birch ply but don't have a clue how or if that is relevant or not to the end results.
Link to plans
A completed cabinet of how it should look
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 01:22:52 PM by JamieMcC »
Shoot for the moon if you miss you will still be amongst the stars!