I recently did some tube rolling (albeit slow tube rolling, seeing as I had to re-adjust the bias each time I swapped tubes) with the Sovtek, Reflector and EH tubes that I have.
To be honest, not too much difference between the three of them, but here are some slight things I THINK I may be hearing when comparing the 6C45 tubes I have in my possession:
Sovtek - Most grainy treble out of the three (but this could potentially be due to these tubes having the least run-time). I did burn them in for over 100 hours when I got them. Seems to be more extended up top (treble) than the Reflector tubes, but again this may be due to the slightly less smooth treble I'm hearing with these tubes.
Reflector - Most mid-centric sound out of the three tubes. Smooth treble. My preferred tubes to use with HD800's listening to most of my music collection
except for really well recorded classical, instrumental, etc.
Electro-Harmonix - Less mids than the Reflector tubes. More extended up top and down below. Treble just as smooth as Reflector. I like using these tubes when listening to the best recording in my collection, especially for classical music where the extension up top and down below is a bonus.
If I had to stick to just one brand/make of 6C45's to keep in my Mainline long-term it would be the Reflectors for sure.
Of course, take this with a grain of salt, it's only an opinion