Well, it's been an interesting month. First, my short circuit to a entry level table from ebay backfired and I sent it back. I ended up deciding to get a new cartridge for my nearly 30 year old, very entry level, P300 TT. Yes, this TT worthy of no serious consideration was to be the platform I am making my judgements on vinyl on - at least for now. I reseached cartridges. Became overwhelmed by the variety of possible cartrideges to buy, etc. How can the variety be so large for a technology that's supposed to be dead? Or are reports of death exagerated? In the end I bought a Shure M97XE for reasons I don't actually remember. I read comments for and against it. I read up on how to align the thing for a couple of weeks before it arrived. I finally got the courage to mount and align it. When I started playing it I could tell it sounded a little better than that ancient and abused Ortofon LM20. Not enough better to give serious consideration. But I had been given this pile of vinyl from my neighbor want to get rid of his stuff. So I used it to break in cartridge. I've been playing album after album. I've been playing that old vinyl for about two weeks now. Last weekend I went to one of the few used CD/record shops and pick up a few $1 and $2 albums as well. Most of the stuff is poor condition and needs cleaning. However, with in the last week however the sound has improved quite dramatically. The surface noise has diminished. And I'm hearing music. Actually, it sounds....... good. I don't understand why it can sound good. It seems like such a cro magnon technology, dragging a needle through a groove. But I notice two things of interest to me. One, it sounds much better than I expected. Even some of the crappy vinyl sounds pleasing. Second, there is an aesthetic to vinyl that belongs to that medium. I can't put words to it yet but it's real. I'm experiencing something new here. I'm surprised I'm enjoying it. I have been expecting to write off the purchase of the cartridge fully expecting that I'd conclude it's too inferior of a technology to go back and embrace once again. The cost of a cartridge would be worth it to put and end to my question. Instead I'm looking for more places with vinyl bins that I can puruse and I'm starting to research record cleaning. I honestly don't know where this is leading. I wasn't supposed to get this far. So now I'm fully off script and wondering where I go from here. But, there's no rush. Oh, and yes, my wife is a little worried.... again. But then she's probably used to it by now.