I'm having issues with my crack/speedball.
I've been a happy user for almost 2 years now using it for a couple of hours a day. Earlier this week I went to use my crack and there was no sound.
I checked the obvious things like DAC input, volume, sound card, etc. Convinced it was my crack I carefully turned it over and turned it back on.
That's when I noticed none of the LEDs are lighting. The 2 tubes are glowing so it seems they are getting power. The amp wasn't moved or hit or anything before it stopped working.
Tonight I figured I had a bit of time to trouble shoot so I pulled out my DMM and went to work. Well the voltages dont make any sense. It's a cheap DMM but it did the job just fine for my initial build. Maybe things are really out of wack?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that a visual inspection doesn't reveal anything that looks of concern. No obvious blown capacitors or anything.
It would be great if could get some guidance on what to do next.