Hello all,
I'm pretty stumped with my build of one of my Paramount monoblocks. I recently found that I had miswired the ttp wires coming from the power PC board to 16u and 17u (connecting the red to 17 instead of 16 and the black to 16 instead of 17) and clearly blew a resistor or two on my soft start PC board. I had the board replaced and just finished my build and attachment of the new PC board.
The resistances appear to check out, but when I power up the LED's are not lit up and there is a 0 VDC reading on OA. No apparent voltage readings on any of the connections for the soft start PC board. I checked some other voltages (such as on terminals 1, 5, 9, 16, and 19) and they are way off.
So I'm wondering what else I must have damaged by crossing these two wires on 16 and 17. I appreciate any suggestions.