We can certainly supply another stock pot. To me the next worthwhile step up is an Alps Blue Velvet. It's great bang for the buck. My own experience is that you need to jump up to a quite a bit more expensive stepped attenuator to move past the Blue Velvet sonically.
Sorry for the delayed reply here. I ended up actually going with the Alps Blue Velvet, but it took way longer for it to get here than I anticipated (just about a week due to a game of UPS package football). Long story short, I believe that it was the pot that went bad as there's zero hum after upgrading. It's absolutely dead silent, no crackles, no pops, no hum, no hiss or any other noise. Perfect channel balance too.
Thank you so much again for the help Doc, I honestly can't thank you enough. Can't beat a product and support like this...absolutely worth every penny. That being said, I'll enjoy the crack for now and give a little bit before breaking out the speedball upgrade that's been on the shelf this whole time. Don't want to go and break it just yet