Quicksand That Sinking Feeling Part 2

aleman · 4898

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Offline aleman

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on: March 05, 2016, 02:40:12 AM
Having had the quicksand for some time I decided to do the following last mods and then leave the amplifier alone.Having modded the amplifier  and been very happy with its performance ,I again got the itch to meddle sourced some pure silver wire enameld and wound the inducters and replaced the  2200uf capacitors
with 5 x 470uk 16 vdc  oscon sepc capacitors per side bypassed with 0.01russian Teflon caps.Have been running with these additions for a good few months the sound quality seems to have improved again. Information at low level is outstanding at all frequencies  relaxing and pleasant to listen to my old lady+ 300b power amplifier are not missed at the moment. these require a rebuild anyway.The quicksand makes an ideal replacement with the lower dx3 i use until funds allow me to rebuild the 300b amplifiers.