I have a problem with the LEDs in the chassis of the Bottlehead Crack. All of the resistance checks seem to be okay (with a little weirdness on 13, but googling returned results saying it was probably okay). When I plug it in, the LEDs inside do not light up. Both silver banded sides are facing in, and they are both new after having to order replacements.
Resistance checks are as follows:
Expected Actual
1 *
2 *
3 0 ohms
4 *
5 *
6 2.4K ohms
7 2.9K ohms
8 0 ohms
9 2.4K ohms
10 2.9K ohms
12 0 ohms
13 *will climb slowly towards 270K ohms
14 0 ohms
20 0 ohms
22 0 ohms
B3 2.9K ohms
B6 2.9 Kohms
RCA jacks:
Ground lug 0 ohms
Center pin 90-100Kohms
1 *
2 *
3 0
4 *
5 *
6 2.48K ohms
7 2.94K ohms
8 0
9 2.96K ohms
10 2.48K ohms
12 0
13 *drops from around 11-17M ohms or sometimes reads 0 ohms
14 0
20 0
22 0 *sometimes 0.1-0.4 ohms
B3 2.94
B6 2.96
RCA jacks:
Ground lug 0
Center pin 96.3, 99.3K ohms
Any help would be much appreciated. I can take pictures of any parts if that would be helpful.
Thank you for reading.