Actually, I might have an explanation for why the 12BH7A wouldn't be a direct replacement for the 12AU7. If you find anything incorrect, or something that could be explained more effectively please advise...etc. Pulled this from datasheets, but I noticed some numbers were not shown for certain tubes.
12AU7 - Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.3 Ampere
CV4003 - Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.3 Ampere
ECC82 - Vf 12.6 Volts / If 0.15 Ampere - Tapped heater also permits operation at 6.3V 0.3A. (I do not understand why, but I currently run this tube with the 6AS7G both pictured above)
12BH7A - Vf 12.6 Volts / If 0.3 Ampere - Durch Heizfaden-Mittenanschluss auch Betrieb mit 6.3 V und 0.6 A möglich. Google translate: By filament center connection also operation with 6.3 V and 0.6 A possible. (I do not understand why)
Other specs:
Plate Voltages, Current, and Resistance
Grid Voltage
Amplification Factor
Links for more info on the following questions are much appreciated
Forum threads and other stuff. It's tough to find a needle in a haystack, especially when it's a specific needle like the C2A. Wait, the Crackatwoa is an amplifier - not a needle. Anyways.....What would be the correct way to go about calculating if a tube type will work with the stock Crack/Crackatwoa? How about modded (output caps, TwoQuiet, and in use with other input/power tubes)?What justifies if a tube is within an allowed range of value in order to be used without further modifications?What tube specifications are most important to pay attention to? Although, I'm sure all of them influence something....I could insert the tubes I'd like to use, do a full voltage/resistance check from the manual, and compare that to values of the stock tubes.
Seems logical, but after the tests I would not know where to make adjustments. I can spend some time on it and post all values if need be!
Is there a standard way to implement changes needed to run tubes of certain specs? (the resistor at location X needs to be changed if the voltage at location Y is +/- outside optimal range...etc.)I will spend time learning basic circuitry, but I was wondering the order in which power flows through the amplifier.....
Example: Power comes in, goes to [object/location/terminal], then goes to [object/location/terminal]....etc.
Would this be an effective way to troubleshoot/adjust component values?
Example: Location X voltage too high, so replace the resistor just before it to decrease voltage at location X.
I'd like to implement switches, like some Crack builders have, to allow use of different tubes.
I'd also like to implement a switch allowing me to change between 2 separate sets of output capacitors. Or just make connectors and need to power off, disconnect/connect them, power on.
Definitely liking this project - just a bit

Pics soon!
Thank you