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Crack / Re: Crack/ Headphones Questions
« Last post by Doc B. on Yesterday at 12:42:37 PM »
I don't necessarily keep up with the latest and of course my taste is not the same as everyone else. FWIW I have always enjoyed the Sennheiser HD600/650/800 series and generaly prefer them over the high impedance Beyerdynamic models. Tons of info about what headphones people prefer with the Crack should come up with a search or two on the forum.
Crack / Re: Crack/ Headphones Questions
« Last post by blackharp on Yesterday at 12:11:36 PM »
I'd consider you somewhat qualified to have a meaningful opinion.  :)

Let's say you wanted to recommend one of your favorite high impedance headphones for the crack, I would take note.
Crack / Re: Crack/ Headphones Questions
« Last post by Doc B. on Yesterday at 09:01:02 AM »
I think the question is probably too subjective to offer a useful response. But I would say that the Mainline will most likely be the best sounding amp of the bunch to my ears. I can't speak to the 361s as I have not heard them or at least don't recall listening to them.
Crack / Re: Crack/ Headphones Questions
« Last post by blackharp on Yesterday at 06:14:16 AM »
Thanks, Doc.

1. Fisher or IFI DAC with 361s
2. Mainline with 361s
3. Crack with Beyer or other slightly higher impedance/ tier headphones

Are all these somewhat equal in sound quality?

Crack / Re: Crack/ Headphones Questions
« Last post by Doc B. on July 24, 2024, 11:57:09 AM »
K361s are 32 ohm headphones. The Crack is for high impedance headphones up around 300 ohms and higher.  Mainline will work well with 32 ohm headphones, or you could use the Crack and switch to something like Sennheiser or Beyerdynamic high impedance headphones.
Crack / Crack/ Headphones Questions
« Last post by blackharp on July 24, 2024, 10:01:50 AM »
I'm very happy with my Kaiju / BeePre on my main system!!

In my office, I have a Fisher X-100B I like to listen to headphones on occasionally. Input is Hi-Res Tidal- DAC, or an AR XA, Fisher FM100B & Nakamichi 480.

The headphones I currently have are AKG K361s.

Would the crack sound better than the old Fisher, or should I go for the Mainline? Through speakers, the Fisher sounds great but I can hear where the headphone out could use improvement..

And if the Crack would be a huge improvement, would the AKGs sound ok, or would you recommend a better product?
Crack / Re: Embedded Bluetooth
« Last post by hmbscott on July 24, 2024, 07:00:13 AM »
I use one of these in my garage/shop system.
I've used one of those Esinkin Bluetooth receivers also, and was surprised by the sound quality. For a garage system, I would be inclined to tape the Esinkin to the side of the Crack chassis using blue painter's tape, and voilĂ  you have an all in one unit ;). That's a very "garage" way to solve problems! Still two cords though.
Crack / Re: Embedded Bluetooth
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on July 23, 2024, 02:20:16 PM »
* getting 5 volts from the filament winding would require grounding that supply to the signal ground, probably inducing some hum.
This is the one that immediately came to mind.
Crack / Re: Embedded Bluetooth
« Last post by Paul Joppa on July 23, 2024, 12:33:29 PM »
It's probably possible, but might require a lot of development work. Some issues I see offhand:

* getting 5 volts from the filament winding would require grounding that supply to the signal ground, probably inducing some hum.

* the antenna could be shielded by the chassis plate unless a good location could be found.

* You'd need to introduce a source selector switch unless bluetooth is the only source

My two cents
Crack / Re: Embedded Bluetooth
« Last post by hpleung on July 23, 2024, 11:57:00 AM »
Thank you both.

Paul - is it possible at all to extract the DC power required for this blue tooth receive? If so, how would i do this?

This is just exploratory question - because i think it would be awesome if bottlehead crack could receive bluetooth without any external device.