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Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Paul Joppa on Today at 04:39:15 PM »
60Hz test track with all volumes maxed including Moreplay. Measuring positive submerged into center of RCA's and negative on the outside, left channels are both showing 3.5V and rights both 9.5V. measuring the speaker connectors after the buckeye amp speaker wires disconnected from speakers, using test tone, all volumes maxed, positive on red speaker input and neg on black speaker input. Getting 5.51V left channel and 6.47V right channel. When not using the test tone and the loudest sounding track I could find disconnected all speakers again and left side never got higher than 3.8V and right 4.6V. Not sure if I did the speaker test right, what does this all mean or should I test anything differently?
Left channel Moreplay output 3.5v
Left channel  Buckeye output 5.51v
therefore left channel Buckeye gain = 1.57 (about +2dB)

Right channel Moreplay 9.5v
Right Buckeye 6.47v
Buckeye gain 0.68 (about -1.7dB)

Neither of these match the Buckeye amp specs. There's something wrong with the cables or the power amp.
Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Finkle on Today at 02:58:50 PM »
Starting the balance knob in what sounds centered, turning the balance knob towards the left channel it is a much longer rotation to max that direction and it gets very loud like it should at only half volume like a poster said earlier. Going the other way from what I sense as center the knob is already at least 2/3 all the way rotated that direction to get the right speaker sounding balanced. And when turning all the way towards right channel it's a quite short run and doesn't end up nearly as loud as left can go the opposite direction.

Volts going into the preamp from the DAC are identical in both channels. The balance knob definitely isn't turned like that because of room gain, it starts lopsided. So it has to be something in these pictures rights?
Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Finkle on Today at 08:50:23 AM »
A10k is in the volume hole closest to the on off button. Here's some close ups and an overhead.
Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Doc B. on Today at 07:10:01 AM »
The markings are on the phenolic part of the pots and are facing the chassis plate. PB's suggestion to use a meter is the easiest way to check which is which or you can undo the mounting nut and pull the pot away from the chassis to read the print on the top of the phenolic. Page 20 in the manual explains which is which.
Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on Today at 06:52:34 AM »
Set your meter to read resistance and measure the resistance between the inner and outer lugs on the top level of the volume pot.
Crack-a-two-a / Re: Right channel output dropping [resolved]
« Last post by larcenasb on Today at 06:16:48 AM »
Thanks Karl, yes, I’m so happy with this build. And oddly happy with this speed bump as it’ll be a good learning experience.

Alright PB, I’ll examine tonight. However, I’m starting to think perhaps it’s my detachable output cap mod… Remember I used detachable spade connector things to be able to switch output caps easily? Which of course I’ve never done because I love the sound as is! But when I did the chopstick test, perhaps it wasn’t the joint but the connector next to it causing the intermittent output. I’ll take a close look at that as well and perhaps will remove it.

Hope all’s well and hope everyone reading has a great Friday! :)
Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Finkle on Today at 05:38:16 AM »
The pot is not centered, I manipulated it until the soundstage seemed/felt center. Maybe room gain, as the one side is close-ish to a wall and the other isn't? I'm thinking you're onto something with the pots. Thinking back at the build and not seeing a difference in build I'm feeling like I thought they were the same and I could've swapped them. Looking under the hood at the moment, both pots are stamped with "3ch" and that's it, they look identical. How do I test for which one is which? As I don't think pictures would clear it up, there's no other labels, stamps, manufacture type marks, body are both the same too.
Crack-a-two-a / Re: Right channel output dropping [resolved]
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on Today at 04:48:40 AM »
What could cause drops in either the right or left channel? Could it be a power supply thing?
A bad solder joint (or two).
Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on Today at 04:44:40 AM »
60Hz test track with all volumes maxed including Moreplay. Measuring positive submerged into center of RCA's and negative on the outside, left channels are both showing 3.5V and rights both 9.5V.
This would be bothersome, is the balance pot centered? That's about a 9dB difference.  Are the 10K and 100K potentiometers in the correct holes?  Accidentally swapping these parts can quite the negative impact on how the Moreplay works.
Moreplay / Re: Moreplay gain questions / Education
« Last post by Finkle on Today at 03:39:31 AM »
I'd have to ask around for one. There's a PC I could try and have been using the record player. The record player is approximately the volume of most music coming thru wired from the phone. I did increase the gain thru the waxwing to 46db to get it increased.