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Eros Phono / Re: Shunt Regulator Voltage Issue
« Last post by Art Andrews on November 28, 2024, 04:32:40 PM »
Using this photo as a guide, the KREG on the left reads 0.5 and the KREG on the right reads 5.95.
Eros Phono / Re: Shunt Regulator Voltage Issue
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on November 28, 2024, 03:35:29 PM »
The negative always goes to ground for DC voltage readings.
Eros Phono / Re: Shunt Regulator Voltage Issue
« Last post by Art Andrews on November 28, 2024, 03:34:58 PM »
Hi Paul,

I misspoke when saying soldering gun. I have a Weller 70 watt soldering station. I believe I can get it up to 850 but I thought for boards, you were supposed to stay between 650 and 750. Will go back through at the higher temp and reheat all the joints. Given the meter reading is the issue limited to the board itself, or might there be issues elsewhere that I need to also look at?

I'd still love to get you those KREG readings, but not sure where I am placing the negative.
Eros Phono / Re: Shunt Regulator Voltage Issue
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on November 28, 2024, 03:28:00 PM »
I would just turn your iron (hopefully not a solder gun) as high as it will go, as those joints will flow out a bit better with a hotter iron.  You can reheat all the joints except the LEDs on that board and it may help.
Eros Phono / Re: Shunt Regulator Voltage Issue
« Last post by Art Andrews on November 28, 2024, 12:53:08 PM »
Hi Paul,

My solder gun is set to 750.

I am using Cardas Soldering Wire, which is "a blend of silver, copper, tin and lead." I was told this was quality solder for this type of project and used this same solder on my mailnine which turned out great.

It would be painful, but I could go back and unsolder everything on that board and resolder it if necessary. Or, if there are specific items you think I need to detach and reattach, I am happy to do it.
S.E.X. Kit / Re: S.E.X. Failed Resistance Check
« Last post by alecksbee on November 28, 2024, 12:02:18 PM »
I was able to sneak away from the family and do some voltage checks, certainly at a good time now that I won't blow up my new multimeter thanks to jdm! Everything looked well within range, and I'm currently pumping out some tunes as I type this! For reference:

T2: 77.4V
T3: 17.5V
T4: .005V
T5: 0V
T6: 382V
T7: 399V
T10: 378V
T16: 79.7V
T17: 16.7V
T18: .0009V
T19: 0V
T20: 383V
T21: 400V
T24: 380V
H2/H5: 3.28V/3.28V
H4/H7: 3.09V/3.07V
S.E.X. Kit / Re: S.E.X. Failed Resistance Check
« Last post by alecksbee on November 28, 2024, 11:25:47 AM »
You are correct, the probes aren't in the right holes.  the "A" hole is only for measuring current. 

Thankfully the shunt that's present wont throw off the DC resistance readings, but it would still be a good idea not to have that in there (and you could make some fun sparks if you measured DC voltages and accidentally had the meter probes set up to read current).
Are those probes connected to the meter properly for measuring R's?  Not familiar with that meter.

Good catch, thanks guys
Crack / Re: Loose tube/socket
« Last post by bladerunner80 on November 28, 2024, 11:21:49 AM »
Ok, thanks. I pulled the tube out and reseated which helped as well.
S.E.X. Kit / Re: S.E.X. Failed Resistance Check
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on November 28, 2024, 11:20:51 AM »
You are correct, the probes aren't in the right holes.  the "A" hole is only for measuring current. 

Thankfully the shunt that's present wont throw off the DC resistance readings, but it would still be a good idea not to have that in there (and you could make some fun sparks if you measured DC voltages and accidentally had the meter probes set up to read current).
General Discussion / Re: Happy Thanksgiving
« Last post by Paul Birkeland on November 28, 2024, 11:05:16 AM »
Happy turkey day!