Hmmm...I'm at work, so I can't see any of the pictures in this thread, but after reading the past 11 pages of posts, it still isn't clear to me what is meant by "bypassing" the caps in the power supply. I gather that I should use a film cap with lower values than the cap I am bypassing, but my questions are:
1. Is there any consensus on (roughly) what the values (uf and voltage) of the bypass cap should be?
2. What should I solder each of the leads on the bypass cap to? (I assume the stock electrolytic cap stays where it is, with no changes.)
3. Paul has mentioned several times that - at least in theory - one should solder in a resistor as well, but the problem is that you don't know what value that resistor should have. Have people generally just been soldering in the bypass cap without a resistor?
Best regards,