I have the luxury of paying nothing for the table as it was my father's since it was brand new. It is a JVC QL-F6 and it sounds fantastic. After nothing more than a thorough cleaning, tuneup, 12 lbs of plasticine, new phono cable and platter mat, and a well setup DL110, I am loving the sound this table makes. It is absolutely wonderful and the money I have saved has been spent on a step up device, a Seduction, a Quickie and now a SEX to run my Klipsch Heresies. Now, I don't pretend to know everything about this incredibly subjective hobby of ours but I love the music it is making more and more every day. I guess that is what it is all about. The reason I endorsed the JVC tables is because they are great value and the prices aren't as high as the Technics tables these days.