I have the basic version of Crack (no upgrades whatsoever). 12at7 works and sounds on the level of 12au7 (with Sylvania 12at7wa, it killed the majority of 12au7s except maybe for Mazda - I couldn't hear any sonic differences between these two tubes), but with much more volume. I know it's not suppressed to sound good - but it does (in Crack, in McIntosh, in SET 300b) - and I have experience in what a good sound is supposed to be - I tried all major brands of 12at7, 12au7 & 12ax7 - from Telefunkens selects - at $200 a tube to GE gray plates at $1 a tube)
Not sure about voltages anywhere, but it's a tube, if it works - it will continue working
- compared to transistors. I don't see myself upgrading to anything that would involve transistors in Crack - I understand that they might make things better, but it's a transistor
I love my Creack - pure!
Tube rolling wise, here are my favorites in Crack: Mazda 12au7, Sylvania 12at7wa, RCA 5962 (red base), Sulvania JHS 5814, Amperex 12at7 france, Amperex 7062, Westinghouse 12au7, Amperex 12au7, Westinghouse 6gu7. Some produce incredible clarity and sound stage, some produce superb warmth - depending on the mood