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Thank you!
Sounds like your amp has the right voltages so you should be good to go. The big board LEDs are about the same brightness as the 12AU7 socket LEDs. The small board LEDS are much dimmer because they pass less current. You may want to darken the room to observe them.
Do these LEDs require the amp to be pushing audio to light up to a brightness where they can be seen in normal lighting?
I stand corrected sir.
Hmmm.  Here is the cover photo of the Speedball manual, which shows the orientation of the transistors matching mine:
Sublime Subwoofer Amplifier kit / Re: Shielded twisted pair cable
« Last post by Doc B. on Today at 08:14:15 AM »
Try a wire stripper setting for 12ga wire to strip the outer jacket.
Q1a is mounted backwards, thats one problem.
Thank you!  Photos follow.
Sublime Subwoofer Amplifier kit / Re: Shielded twisted pair cable
« Last post by benzxc on Today at 06:11:47 AM »

Any tips on stripping the shielded cables? Maybe I need new tools but when I tried to strip the outer jacket, the inside cables got cut too.
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