I don't know if this will happen with the drivers in the Orcas, but one an earlier pair of horn shoppe horns I had, the final change was rather dramatic -- these were fe-126 drivers though, so not sure if this will happen with the smaller ones or not.
Many people talked about "it" happening to their speakers -- meanint that one day they'd just walk past their system playing in the background and notice that they sounded different -- in fact, much different and much better than before. Well, I decided I was goiing to listen intently for all the hours necessary to see if I could hear a change that dramatic and what it was, and sure enough I did.
One day -- somewhere in the 400-420 hour mark I suddenly heard this sound of total confusion and distress coming from one speaker and that lasted for about 3 seconds. My instinct was to get up and turn off the amp as I thought it was a tube self-deestructing. As soon as I got up there was a sound, that I can only describe as similar to when your ears equalize after landing in an airplane and then the sound was far better -- cleaner, more dynamic, more transparent, none of the weirdnesses of the previous time the speakers had been playing -- essentially like a whole different driver was instantly swapped in for the old one.
After that it was clear that the one speaker sounded far better than the other one and naturally it started to bother me. I was patient and in about another 40 minutes or so, the other speaker did exactly the same thing, and from then on they were both far better than they had ever been.
I have no explanation for what I heard -- it almost sounded like the surround inverted itself, got stuck and then popped back in place and left me with a whole new driver. Only thing I could conclude is that this was "it" and that I had heard "it" happen in real time. The only changes from that time on were very subtle and gradual.
-- Jim
Jim Rebman -- recovering audiophile
Equitech balanced power; uRendu, USB processor -> Musette DAC -> 5670 tube buffer -> Finale Audio F138 FFX -> Cain and Cain Abbys near-field).
s.e.x. 2.1 under construction. Want list: Stereomour II
All ICs homemade (speaker and power next)